"EU-Central Asia" regular meeting of the security Dialogue held in Brussels

On May 18, 2016 the Turkmen delegation took part in the 3rd meeting of the High-level Dialogue between the European Union and the countries of Central Asia on security issues, which was held in Brussels. Dialogue on security issues reflects the general interest of the European Union and the Central Asian countries to strengthen cooperation in the field of security. The delegation of Afghanistan was invited to the Dialogue meeting as a special guest.

The meeting took place at the level of deputy foreign ministers, chaired by Ms Helga Schmid, Deputy Secretary General for the European External Action Service.

During the meeting, the participants exchanged views on a number of key issues related to the European Union, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Also, such security challenges as the radicalization phenomenon of foreign fighters, migration, regional stability and security, the fight against drug trafficking and smuggling were discussed. It was agreed to intensify joint efforts of the European Union and Central Asian countries in all these areas, and raising them to the level of regional cooperation between Afghanistan and Central Asia.

This dialogue provided a platform for discussion and resolution of issues and security policy in the sphere of international terrorism, extremism, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats.

 It was agreed to further strengthen the border management cooperation and the fight against drug trafficking in the framework of the updated regional programs of the European Union BOMCA and CADAP, as well as the deepening of cooperation in the area of ​​migration through the activation of the Central Asian countries participation in learning experiences in the framework of the mechanism in the field of migration the European Union and the Prague process between the European Union and third countries.